Methods of Neurorehabilitation
In Germany, all modern methods of rehabilitation are applied when treating patients with various disorders of the central nervous system, such as stroke, TBI, cerebral palsy and other diseases.
Below are the most commonly used methods of neurorehabilitation. Some of them are unique programs developed by specialists of the rehabilitation center..
- Affolter method of diagnostics is the analysis of the current condition of the patient with further treatment plan determination
- Alexander`s method of diagnosis is the analysis of the head`s position to the trunk and degree of functionality of the internal organs
- Basal stimulation
- Training of pelvic floor muscles
- EMG-triggered electrical stimulation
- Darsonvalization
- Bobat`s methodology is therapeutic gymnastics with external support
- Brain-Gym is purposeful activation of different regions of the brain, such training causes stress relief which allows the person to successfully use existing skills and develop new talents
- Brügger classes is technique that teaches how to prevent painful sensations through the vertical position of the body
- Craniosacral therapy is a method of treatment that is characterized by complex methodology that stabilizes the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid
- Doman-Delacato is neuro/sensorimotor therapy for children who suffer from damage of nervous pathways
- Feldenkrais is a method that allows person to improve his/her own potential
- Hippotherapy is physiotherapeutic method based on a neurophysiological approach where the horse plays the role of a mediator
- Kinesiology is a method which aims to reduce stress and stimulate body's own forces
- Gymnastics by Dr. Klapp`s is a method aimed at strengthening muscles of the back
- Klein-Vogelbach method is a therapy for patients who have pain syndrome or who suffer from functional motor disorders of the spine, hips, knees, shoulder girdle and also elbow joint
- Coordination and Dynamics therapy combines the movements of the upper and lower extremities to coordinate the supraspinal centers, so that the nervous system disorders can be corrected
- Induced restriction therapy
- Method of stimulating muscle tone to restore movements of the fingers
- Lymphdrainage
- includes all types of massage, such as vibration, or hydromassage
- Nielsen`s classes
- Perfetti's technique is a therapeutic exercise aimed to develop cognitive functions
- Castillo-Morales technique
- Petё is an individual classe or classes conducted in small groups in order to develop the perception of the world and to teach how to behave in society to achieve most possible independence from ancillary facilities and people who provide care
- PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Simplification)
- Proprioceptive stimulation with specialized devices
- Polytherapy is an interaction of both hemispheres of the brain
- Physiotherapy
- Sensory integration by Ayre (A. J. Ayre)
- Tamo therapy is aimed to help small children to achieve each phase of their development by giving them maximum independence
- Vojta technique is aimed to restore congenital physiological patterns of motion that were blocked or lost due to brain damage
- Various water procedures (hydrotherapy)
- Tsilgraif is a system of exercises that combine Yoga exercises and respiratory gymnastics
- Verticalization
- Orofacial stimulation
- Multimodal stimulation
- Audiovisual stimulation
- Mesodiencephalic modulation
- SRT(stochastic resonance therapy) includes exercises that use vibrating platform to develop a confident gait and reduce other neurological symptoms
- Rhythmic magnetic stimulation uses a high-intensity magnetic field (3-4 Tesla) to stimulate muscles and nerve fibers.
- Rhythmic magnetic stimulation of muscles strengthens weakened muscles by using high-frequency magnetic impulses
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation uses complex system of stimulations with approximately 2,000 stimulations in one session. This system allows to fight depression, improve sleep and concentration and also stimulates other functions of the body that were impaired by the stroke
- Lokomat ® - system by the Swiss company "Hocoma" - enables doctors to conduct the locomotion therapy of patients with residual phenomena, for example, stroke by using robotic orthoses on the treadmill.
- The "Erigo" system is aimed to restore the walking function. The training process begins in a horizontal position, later the load increases with simultaneous verticalization of the patient
- Cooperation with Dr. M. Becker, MD, who specializes in nerves transplantation of upper and lower extremities to restore their mobility
- Proprioceptive stimulation with device support applies pressure on the vast areas of body/ joints, which leads to slowing of breathing and decreasing of the heart rate. This technique stimulates a deep perception of one's own body - it especially stimulates the muscle tone and joint receptors
- Orofacial stimulation by Castillo Morales. This is a neuromotor therapy for motor disorders of the speech organs that develops as a result of muscle hypotension or eating disorders which in this case appeared after cerebral damage. The goal of such therapy is to achieve the best support and balance between different components of the oral and facial complexes and other organic systems of the body
- Multimodal stimulation is the process of reorganization of neurological functions. The technique causes stimulation of "common skills" in the interdisciplinary environment. All approaches are aimed to reach the ultimate therapeutic goal
- TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) is a stimulation or inhibition of different parts of the brain by using magnetic fields. This technique uses a complex of 2,000 stimulations per session and allows to fight depression, improve sleep, concentration and stimulate other functions that were affected by a stroke. RPMS (peripheral magnetic stimulation) is used to stimulate both spinal cord and nervous system by peripheral stimulation, the musculoskeletal system is stimulated as well
- R-OKS (Repetitive optokinetische Stimulation) is optokinetic stimulation that uses multimodal activation to treat such complex disorders as multimodal neglect and/or agnosia
- Forced-use-Therapie is a therapy for patients with unilateral paralysis. The healthy limbs are fixated which allows the exercises to be performed by only paralyzed parts of the body. Studies show that the mobility of the affected limbs is significantly improved in just 2 weeks when performing common movements
- "Loop table" This is a therapeutic auxiliary tool that allows patient to find release from his/her own weight by using therapeutic procedures. This allows the treatment to be especially gentle and careful in regards to joint system
- FBL (functional kinematics) teaches patient to observe his/her movements from the side and pay attention to details, so that the patient can evaluate and interpret them. The purpose of this treatment is to learn how to move naturally, carefully and without pain
- Training on the treadmill using self-weight compensation. This technique is used to restore the motor capacity of the lower limbs. During the procedure patient is freed from his/her own weight with the help of an auxiliary construction - antigravity method
- Classes are conducted individually or in small groups in order to develop normal perception of the world and also to teach patients how to behave in society so that the greatest possible independence from auxiliary devices and people providing care is achieved
- Feldenkrais is a method that allows patients to increase their own potentials
- Kinesiology is a method which aims to reduce stress and stimulate body's own forces
- Lymphatic drainage
- All types of massage
- Physiotherapy
- Endoscopic swallowing diagnostics
- Russian Speaking Therapist
- Individual physiotherapist
- Individual sessions with a neuropsychologist
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This method was developed by Professor Carlos Perfetti who aimed to restore stroke patients. During the course of rehabilitation cognitive therapeutic exercises are applied to improve the neurological organization of the brain.
This technique is a neurological therapeutic treatment method of children and adults with communicative sensory-motor and orofacial disorders.