
Feldenkrais Method

The Feldenkrais method is based on the acquisition of meaningful sensations in the processes that occur when learning new movements. This is a systematic approach to improving the motor function and better control of movements. The technique involves the use of simple and slow movements that will help restore posture, flexibility, strength and coordination.

The method was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, an Isreali physicist and engineer. It became an innovative approach to overcoming pain and improving mobility. In this case, the ability of the nervous system to self-organize and self-regulate is used to develop more precise movements. The improvement of motor functions contributes to a more harmonious work of the body, which reduces chronic pain and healing injuries,thereby increasing the body's ability to do sports.

Many exercises are designed to develop everyday skills, such as hand movements, the ability to keep a standing or sitting position, the ability to climb, or turn back. Other exercises are more abstract movements for the development of joints, muscles, the formation of posture. Thousands of different exercises from the Feldenkrais method was developed for each type of movement.

How is the procedure performed?

Depending on the goal, the method can be implemented in two ways. In the first instance, a physiotherapist helps the patient to perform the exercises directly controlling his hands and body position. All movements should be smooth. They do not require any physical effort from the patient. This approach is called functional integration and is designed to restore specific movements (as a rule, each lesson is aimed at a certain narrow range of movements).

In the second case, the physiotherapist tells the patient what movements to perform.When doing these movements, the patient acquires self-awareness, a sense of movement that makes it more natural and comfortable. In this case, the individual abilities of the nervous system is involved. Such exercises do not require any physical effort and the movements are selected so as not to cause pain.

Unlike manual therapy and chiropractic, which work on a group of muscles or bones, the Feldenkrais method primarily affects the nervous system. Such a functional approach can be effective even in spite of disorders on the structure of the organs and skeleton.

Rehabilitation after a stroke

The Feldenkrais method is effectively used to restore movement in patients with neurological disorders, in particular during rehabilitation after a stroke. The classes aim to eliminate the following effects of stroke:

  • involvement in the activities of underused parts of the brain responsible for certain functions,
  • restoration of the abilities of a more damaged side of the body by training the movements of the opposite side,
  • formation of connections between the damaged parts of the brain (activation of neuroplasticity) available before the stroke, which leads to the restoration of lost functions.

You can also learn more about other methods:

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